Best Prices on Certified Organic ORMI Black Worm Castings & Vermicompost

The best super food for plants and crops is certified ORMI Black Worm Castings. Vermicompost is the process of making worm castings. The worm consumes organic materials, reducing and refining the matter to their most usable forms.

Casting contain nitrogen, but won’t burn plants, the worm’s slime (mucous) enables the nitrogen to be released slowly. They have a neutral pH7, don’t smell, and makes the soil more absorbent, aids nutrient absorption because they contain humid acid, contain beneficial bacteria and microbes.

shutterstock_247018750Studies done at the North Carolina State University discovered, seed germination and growth is improved with Vermicompost, “The wide range of plants tested were successfully grown in both undiluted wastes or several mixes including 3:1 or 1:1 ratios of vermicompost to peat, Kettering loam, or pine bark. Plant growth was reported to be better with vermicompost than when recommended commercial growing media was used, and seeds germinated faster for most plant species grown in vermicompost.

Seedling emergence of tomatoes, cabbage, and radish was much better in vermicompost than in thermophilically-composted animal wastes, and as good and usually better in vermicompost than in a commercial medium. In addition, early growth of ornamentals’ seedlings was as good or better in vermicompost/peat mixtures than in the commercial plant growth medium.”

Scientist are now learning, worms themselves can remove toxins and even heavy metals from the soil. According to Eurek Alert Global Source for Science News, “Earthworms could be used to extract toxic heavy metals, including cadmium and lead, from solid waste from domestic refuse collection and waste from vegetable and flower markets, according to researchers writing in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.

The worms’ digestive system is apparently capable of detaching heavy metal ions from the complex aggregates between these ions and humic substances in the waste as it rots. Various enzyme-driven process then seem to lead to assimilation of the metal ions by the worms so that they are locked up in the organism’s tissues rather than being released back into the compost as worm casts.”

No wonder why black worm castings, vermicompost, organic soil amendments are becoming so popular. Though you can purchase these amazing products from several different sources, Vermitechnology combines quality and affordability.

Contact Vermitechnology for great prices and quality products!