Black Worm Castings & Organic Soil Fertilizer, Vermitechnology

Healthy plants, gardens and crops need healthy soil to thrive. Healthy soil fertilized with black worm castings allows plants to absorb more nutrients from the soil. Plants go through chemical synthesis and cycles of respiration as they grow. Each step requires energy to produce the chemicals necessary for the plant. If the plant is using most of the energy extracting nutrients from the soil, it can leave it more susceptible to disease and insect damage. Healthy soil can assist in the synthesis of many micro-nutrients, amino acids and chemical precursors. Allowing more energy for life processes, producing crops, vegetables, and flowers.

shutterstock_248252401Plants require nutrients. The three primary macronutrients: Phosphorus (P), Nitrogen (N), and Potassium (K). Plants and crops need a significant amount of these nutrients to sustain productivity.

The secondary nutrients are: Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), and Sulfar (S).
They also need micronutrients in small quantities: Copper (Cu), Boron (B), Chloride (CI), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), and Molybdenum (Mo).

Synthetic Fertilizers can actually kill a good portion of the beneficial microorganism, these tiny creatures are responsible for improving the fertility and quality of the soil by breaking down organic matter.
Worm castings retain moisture, 9 times their weight in moisture, great for a healthy soil structure. They can even help plants and crops survive during drought like conditions.

Great Facts About Black Worm Castings

When you use black worm castings as a fertilizer, plants create an enzyme that repels infects that feed off the plants, such as spider mites, aphids and white flies.

Healthier soil means less stress on plants, which means they will grow faster and be less prone to disease and insects.

Black worm castings are odorless and completely safe for plants, animals and people!

Studies show worm castings improve plant production.

Vermitechnology offers products provide your plants with a nutrient rich, robust environment, able to withstand climate hardships and less likely to be damaged by insects. Our Organic fertilizers are a valuable addition for every soil type and plant situation, from farms, vegetable or flower gardens, to landscaping and lawns.

Contact Vermitechnology, we are proud to offer only the best products at affordable prices.