Orlando Vermicompost: Worm Castings, Black Castings, Organic Fertilizer

Vermicompost, also called worm castings, vermicast, and worm compost, is an excellent soil amendment and organic fertilizer, alive with nutrients and microorganisms. According to the Clemson Cooperative Extension: Much like traditional composting, worm composting works by creating an ideal environment for various organisms to break down organic matter. Microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria and protozoa, along with larger organisms such …

Orlando Organic Vermicompost vs. Spray Chemicals for Insects/Diseases

Worms have long been considered gold for commercial growers as well as garden enthusiast for decades.  A recent dilema in Florida is how to defend against the Asian citrus psyllid, which have impacted about 70% of the citrus trees. The insect spreads a disease called citrus greening or Huanglongbing. The question is to use spray chemicals to defend against the psyllid …