What does an “Organic Listed” label really mean?

Why is it so important?

This page is dedicated to all things you need to know when purchasing an organic listed product. I started out as a consumer, purchasing Organic listed products and then, as a small business with OMRI listed products myself because I totally trusted that their logo was the trusted source, and I still believe this today. Without a doubt! My journey began with a genuine curiosity about organic products and a commitment to sustainability, which led me to explore various brands and their certifications. As I learned more about the significance of OMRI listings, I realized how crucial they were for guaranteeing the safety and efficacy of products in organic farming and gardening. This trust in their standards propelled me to launch my own line of OMRI listed offerings, allowing me to not only contribute to the organic community but also share my experiences and knowledge with others who are passionate about making informed choices in their purchases. By providing valuable information and resources, I aim to empower consumers to feel confident in their decisions when selecting OMRI listed products for their needs while, at the same time, performing due dilligeance while knowing that they are supporting businesses that align with their values, establishment of trust and credibility, mutual support, knowledge and skill development, and boosted marketing and business development.

Along the way, I have learned that I, looking back, should have researched more thoroughly. So, for that reason, I have this page. Through my trails and errors both as a consumer and as a manufacturer The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is an international nonprofit organization that determines which input products are allowed for use in organic production and processing. OMRI Listed® products are allowed for use in certified organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program. The OMRI Canada program also lists products for use under the Canadian Organic Standards. OMRI’s funding comes from a variety of sources, including sales of publications, grants, donations and subscriptions. Mainly, however, the organization generates income through fees collected for the review of products intended for use in organic production or processing. OMRI was founded in 1997 to evaluate materials for use in organic agriculture. You can go to: http://www.omri.org/history-omri to read all about it.

establishment of trust and credibility, mutual support, knowledge and skill development, and boosted marketing and business development.