All Organic Fertilizers, OMRI Listed Black Worm Castings, Quality & Affordable

Organic black earthworm castings (OMRI Listed), are 100% all natural, slowly releasing valuable nutrients necessary for healthy crops and plants, increasing growth and production rate for both vegetable, herbs and fruits. Orlando based Vermitechnology black worm castings have the appearance of coffee grounds and have an earthy smell.

Vermitechnology ProductsBlack worm castings make an excellent soil amendment because they allow the plant to absorb trace minerals and essential nutrients, easy and quickly without the risk of burning. Earthworms have the amazing ability to grind and turn nutrients into the basic and simplest form, making it easy absorbed. Black castings are slowly released into the surrounding soil, giving plants long term, as long as months to feed on the abundance of valuable nutrients.

Black worm castings are all organic and  improves water retention capacity during dry conditions and reduces waterlogged soil and soil drainage during the rainy season.

Chemical fertilizer manufactures don’t have the capability to break down these nutrients in such a way, so while they may claim to have a high percentage of similar nutrients, plants are not able to absorb and use them. These synthetic nutrients are often lost during watering because the root system of plants are not able to absorb a great deal all at once.  Remember, what is absorbed by the plant ends up in the food we eat, the full effect of synthetic chemicals are not known at this time. Those lost in the soil can have a detrimental effect on the surrounding environment.

The Benefits and Quality Assurance of Vermitechnolgy Black Worm Castings are Numerous.  They include:

Organic Material Review Institute “OMRI” listed, non-polluting and environmentally friendly

Highest standard guaranteed and not quickly soluble, giving plants time to absorb nutrients

Enhances plant root fertility and loosens soil

Worms are fed a quality controlled diet and manufactured indoors

Contains natural microbes and does not burn seedlings or plants

Vermitechnology products provide your plants with a nutrient rich, robust environment, able to withstand climate hardships and less likely to be damaged by insects. Our Organic fertilizer is a valuable addition for every soil type and plant situation, from farms, vegetable or flower gardens, to landscaping and lawns.

Contact Vermitechnology, we are proud to offer only the best products at affordable prices.