Whether you’re a home gardner, farmer, or want the nicest yard in the neighborhood, strong healthy plants and grass need to have strong, healthy soil. The trend of just dumping chemicals and fertilizers into your pants and crops to make them grow faster and bigger has upset the soils natural balance.
Every pesticide and chemical fertilizer affects the soil, killing the beneficial micro-organism required for a healthy soil. Each of these microorganisms has their own job in the soil, if the job isn’t done because they are not present the natural balance is compromised. Resulting in smaller, less productive plants. The gardener or farmer usually reacts by applying more chemicals, the immediate effect may be noticed, but ultimately it is a downhill spiral, killing more microorganism and soil quality.
The answer….Worm Black Castings. Naturally produced by earthworms, black castings are a complete organic fertilizer. An extremely fertile soil amendment, with everything a plant needs for optimum nutrition, best for root growth, high population of beneficial microorganisms. replenishing the soil and returning organic matter back into the soil. Black castings feel, smell and look just like black topsoil.
Chemical fertilizers only provide synthetic nutrients, when watering plants the nutrients are quickly leached out into the soil, the plant roots can only absorb so much. Worms have the amazing ability to break down materials into their simplest form, so that the nutrients don’t leach out into the soil, allowing the plants to easily and quickly absorb all the trace elements and essential nutrients.
The University of Ohio Soil Ecology Laboratory discovered by incorporating Worm Castings can:
Increase the plants size up to 50%
Increased the amount of fruit produce on a tomato plant over 50%
Eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizer because worm castings suppressed many diseases such as,root rot (Rhizoctonia), damping off (Pythium), and wilt (Verticillium)
Reduce the need for watering because the soil with worm castings retained almost 4 times its weight in water
Microorganisms have been depleted from most of our soil through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Our soil is a breathing, living and digesting organism whose health depends on the population of microorganism. Black castings restores these microorganisms.
Vermitechnology has many organic products, a great alternative to the ill-effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Contact Vermitechnology, we are proud to offer only the best products at affordable prices.