Commercial farmers, nurseries, greenhouses, and home gardeners both want healthy plants, soil that can easily retain water, and a plentiful crop! Unfortuanetly, chemical fertilizers can deplete the soil of vital microbes and nutrients, leaving you with a not so bountiful crop, while pests and diseases still seem to find their way into the garden. The answer, Black Worm Castings.
New research show the benefits from worm castings, an article from the NY Times said this about the soil additive vermicomost, “offers an array of benefits for plants — helping them grow with more vigor, and making them more resistant to disease and insects, than those grown with other types of composts and fertilizers. The earthworm’s digestive process, it turns out, “is a really nice incubator for microorganisms,” said Norman Q. Arancon, an assistant professor of horticulture at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. “And these microbes, which multiply rapidly when they are excreted, alter the ecosystem of the soil. Some make nitrogen more available to plant roots, accounting for the increased growth. The high diversity and numbers of microbes outperform those in the soil that cause disease.”
The article goes on to say, “soil that has been heavily exposed to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides lacks microbial richness and diversity, qualities that can be restored naturally by adding the microbes from worms.”
The LA Times is also realizing what organic farmers already know, “Besides giving plants an easily digested shot of nutrients, it also repels mites, whitefly and aphids, conditions the soil and works as a fungicide.”
Orlando, Florida based Vermitechnology offers products which can replace harmful chemical fertilizers in farms and residential gardens across the World. It has the potential of producing 40% more crops than those produced with synthetic fertilizers and it’s about 75% less expensive, while using less water for irrigation.
Contact Vermitechnology, shop our store for amazing products at affordable prices!