Whitefly, Disease, Drought, Unhealthy Soil, Solution Black Worm Castings!

Spring is just around the corner, that meant it time to plant crops and start working in the garden. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can undermine all your hard work, drought, disease, unhealthy soil, and the Whitefly. Whiteflies are especially dangerous for plants. They carry many diseases and leave bend a Sooty Mold that can shut down photosynthesis and …

Affordable Vermicast, Black Worm Castings, & Organic Fertilizer

U.S. farmers spend over $8 billion dollars every year for nitrogen fertilizer. All these chemicals end up in our soil, food, animals, rivers and streams. Damaging delicate cycles and causing devastating conditions along the way. Sustainable Agriculture  Black worm castings, also known as vermicast, is being rediscovered as the first step to a more sustainable environment and reduction of fertilizers. …