How Worm Castings Can Help Drought Stricken Areas

The weather has become almost unpredictable, from torrential downpours to drought like conditions. How can we help our vegetable gardens, flowering plants, even shrubs and lawns survive? It seems every year the water restrictions get stricter and stricter. Creating heathy, productive plants more of a challenge. Improving moisture retention Worm castings improve the soil structure. Each individual worm casting is …

Hottest Organic Gardening Trend, Worm Castings & Soil Amendments

Believe it or not, one of the hottest trends for 2018 is to start a backyard compost and organic garden. The first step, ordering worms for your compost. Though you can start your compost in just about any type of container, but some worms are better for a compost. While there are over 9,000 species of worms, only a few …