Simple Solutions for Organic Gardening, Black Worm Castings & VermaPlex

I have always wanted to try my hand at gardening. So, I went to the big box store and go all the supplies. Spent my weekends clearing out a space in my backyard, building a raised garden bed, and finally filling it with soil and planting some zucchini and pepper seeds and small tomato and herb plants. I was so excited to watch my garden grow and eat my own vegetables.

Mother And Daughter Planting Seedlings On AllotmentI watered my garden regularly, but the tomato plants were growing very slowly and the vegetables that were sprouting sickly. I even fertilized with the leading product that promised healthy plants and a miracle size vegetables. But none of that happened, nothing like all the books I read. Then disease hit and wiped everything out. Disaster, all that hard work and nothing!

That’s when I asked for help. Evidently, the compost I bought was contaminated with persistent herbicides. Not only was I killing the plants in my garden, I was also killing the soil.

That’s when I did my research and talking with some fellow gardeners and learned the key ingredients for a successful thriving garden.

The first thing I learned is that you can’t have productive plants without healthy soil. I started feeding my soil all natural Verma Plex and black worm castings. This soil inoculant helped return the balance in my soil, more importantly, it brought my soil back to life.

The addition of organic content, minerals, vital nutrients, and microbial diversity, I saw the seeds in my garden stout faster, stronger roots, lots of flowers, healthy plants, and amazing vegetables. I finally have the garden of my dreams thanks to the team at Vermitechnolgy for making all possible.

“I love the vermaplex because of the multiple services it provides to the plant. From germinating to growing, it’s great stuff. I also noticed how quickly the peppers would produce and the quantities were abundant. I’ve used the Granular VermaMax for about a year now and realized quickly the nitrogen content and calcium made the leaves grow full and deep green… almost shiny.” Caleb Cooper